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100次浏览     发布时间:2024-10-13 08:21:51    

“我有一辆价值连城的车 它的名字叫购物车”

"I have a car worth a lot and it's called a shopping cart."

“大手大脚不是我的错 医生说湿气太重就是这样”

“这辈子最讨厌莫名其妙发脾气的人 但我就是”

"I hate people who lose their temper for no reason the most in my life, but I am"


“我一般不发火 不是因为我大度 是因为我有点窝囊”

"I don't usually get angry, not because I'm generous, it's because I'm a bit of a wretch."

“不能总是掏心掏肺给别人 毕竟很多人不吃内脏”


“我岂止是没有起色 我都快没气了”

"I'm not just not improving, I'm almost out of breath"

“我现在就是个三无产品 无语 无力 无助”


"My head hurts, someone must be stealing my wisdom"

“我在生活中很爱干净 基本上每天都会颜面扫地”


"I'm so tired, lying in the circle of friends, don't step on me, don't step on me"


"My feet are so cold, I want to borrow Nezha's Hot Wheels to step on for a few days"

“枯藤老树昏鸦 好运都来我家”


“我也没办法 对不起了 事情发展太突然 我想一个人缓一缓 少让你们担心 真的太突然了 因为我最近筹备登基大典 准备当皇帝”
